Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Was he just a Friend or Mirror?

I vaguely remember, but yeah, we met in 2005. He was almost a year younger to me, but matured enough to handle me and my silly mistakes, well not really tiny or silly; usually they were huge & heavy for my age.

He is Unique & Dynamic, Strong & Stubborn. He observes a lot and checks all the possibilities. If you tell him anything, he will ask you at least 100 questions to analyze the root cause.

I call him a wonderful cat. My day was never fulfilled without a call or a meet. I still remember each and everything we did together. Dinner, shopping, sharing thoughts,movies, discussing various topics, walks on the shores of Besant Nagar, little fights, arguments etc.,

I have never seen him just as a friend; he was more of my brother, philosopher and a mirror. I used to bug him like anything. I have created my own problems. It was I who did all those mistakes. Nevertheless I understood his moods. I just let it go out of my mind, whatever it was. Still, he was patient enough to listen. He analyzed and made me do things correctly, but did I do it? Did I follow? Nope. I didn’t. I was always playful. Despite of his efforts to make me stubborn and strong, I was just silly and too weak to take it up.

He really tried to make me calm down when I go high and out of my minds. Especially after my break up, it was very often; I created my own problems and made his life very miserable. Every day I bugged him with different issues. I come up with different emotions. But, I called him, an emotionless idiot.

How childish I was? Rubbish I have been to call him that. He tried a lot to stay back and bring peace in my life. I just started my career. He advised to go on with my career and to move on. Did I? How would I have when I was in such a mindset?
I could have been more practical. Poor I’m. Always stayed inside the circle, and made him sink in my issues. I never understood, there are more valuable things in him to continue the friendship between us. I always needed him the most and wished to not to see him ever again. Though I did each and every mistake, I just targeted him to get escaped. Going forward at one point of time, I just dumped him.

Though we are in touch again, it is not as usual as we were before. I know we can’t be as same how we used to be, but I’m happy that once in a while, very occasionally we are speaking over the phone. Even now it is I who speaks a lot, and he is just listening and observing.

Was he just a Friend or a Mirror?

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